Tutoring Sophie Rivers

Helping Sophie was a positive experience, Although i have only basic knowledge of opinion articles, i was eager to help a friend in need to find a sense of direction. Though she more or less had it sussed out, i figured that she just needed some level of feedback in order to have some confidence in her work direction.

She needed to finish her report in time for the professional writing  deadline, and since I had already completed mine to the best of my ability, we arranged to have a formal’ish meeting in the writing and learning centre. The table nearest the entrance was unoccupied, so we sat down and each got out our computers.

Student should be able to: Feel confident and less confused about where to begin, have a legitimate structural plan for the piece  

1) Identify/list: The angle of the report she wants to take 

2)Recognise: The structure the report entails 

3)Demonstrate/evaluate: Write down some concrete ideas/examples she could go with “

This was my initial notes on my lesson plan, and I believe that our meeting was fairly successful.

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